Futurum exaktum


Futurum exaktum är sammansatt av två delar
enkel futurum av verbet "to have" (will have) + perfekt particip av huvudverbet

Subjekt + will have + perfekt particip av huvudverbet
He will have finished.
I will have finished.
To arrive, futurum exaktum
Jakande Nekande Frågande Nekande och frågande
I will have arrived I won't have arrived Will I have arrived? Won't I have arrived?
You will have arrived You won't have arrived Will you have arrived? Won't you have arrived?
He will have arrived He won't have arrived Will he have arrived? Won't he have arrived?
We will have arrived We won't have arrived Will we have arrived? Won't we have arrived?
They will have arrived They won't have arrived Will they have arrived? Won't they have arrived?


Futurum exaktum syftar på ett fullbordat agerande i framtiden. När vi använder den här tempusformen föreställer vi oss själva i en framtid, tittandes tillbaka på ett agerande som kommer att ha avslutats vid en tidpunkt som ligger en bit in framtiden jämfört med precis just nu. Formen används oftast tillsammmans med ett tidsuttryck.

  • I will have been here for six months on June 23rd.
  • By the time you read this I will have left.
  • You will have finished your report by this time next week.
  • Won't they have arrived by 5:00?
  • Will you have eaten when I pick you up?